Healing Talk Counselling Farideh Farzamian, Ph.D., RCC Life Changing Therapy & Coaching
Effective Tools for a New You
Telehealth/Therapy online Individuals, Teens, Couples & Family Therapy
Transform your life and unlock your potential with life-changing therapy and powerful tools for personal growth
- Confidentiality & Privacy
- Respect
- Care
- Empathy
- Nonjudgmental
- Understanding and acknowledgement of the client
- Psychoeducational sessions
- We speak Farsi
Get quick and expert help with:
- Depression
- Anxiety & Panic Attack
- Anger Issues
- Stress management
- Loss & Grief
- PTSD (Post Trumatic Stress Disorder & Trauma Therapy
- Cross-Cultural issues
- Lack of motivation
- Feeling foggy & fatigue
- Lack of pleasure or satisfaction in life
- Time management
- Procrastination
- Feeling overwhelmed & mental tiredness
- Career Counselling & Coaching
- Transition & adjustment issues
- Lifestyle Change & Coaching
- Trouble Sleeping
- ICBC MVA cases
- Postpartum depression
- Parenting Difficulties
- Parent-Teen Relationship
- Seperation & Divorce
Get your Psychological Tests & Assessments
Telehealth/Therapy online
Anger Management Therapy
* Anger Assessments & EvaluationsLearn effective skills & tools to manage your anger.
Anger Control Therapy benefits:
Trapped in anger, feeling helpless & hopeless to address it in non-violent ways.
Common Anger Therapy, Managments & Treatments
Root causes of anger issues
Cognitive Behavioral Therapist CBT
What does CBT help with?
Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Phobias, Lack of motivations & many other emotional & psychological symptoms
Relationship Counselling & Coaching
* Couples Relationship & Healthy Parenting
Assessment in a safe & non-Judgemental place with a skilled and knoweldgable Therapist
Benefits of RCT
* Helping couples Learn non-violent communication & openness skills
* Resolving conflicts & arguments bewtween couples
* Couple's Sexual satisfaction
* Relating to families & friends and Colleagues
* Handling finances
* Parenting